Berdan Sharpshooters from The Collectors Showcase

Berdan Sharpshooters were an American Civil War regiment of sharpshooters named after Col. Hiram Berdan (1823-1893). The 1st and 2nd regiment were selected from various Northern states in 1861, through a rigorous test of placing 10 consecutive shots in a 10″ space about 200 yards away without use of a scope. Believe it or not, […]

No Comments »Filed under: Military Miniatures, New Metal Toy SoldiersPosted on August 22nd, 2008

Mannie Gentile’s Toy Soldiers Forever Blog

Posting on the 1st and 15th of each month, Mannie Gentile’s Toy Soldiers Forever Blog features photos, reviews, discussions, conversions, and play about 54mm Toy Soldiers of the American Civil War. Mannie’s most recent topic is a feature about blue plastic toy soldiers. Now, how cool is that? Visit Mannie’s blog…

1 Comment »Filed under: New Plastic Toy SoldiersPosted on August 15th, 2008