Share-A-Ride or Carpool a Ride to Our Show on 11/1/09

Has the high cost of gas got you down? Well if it does, consider either Sharing-A-Ride, or being a part of a Carpool to our Show. You’ll save some money and share some good conversations with like minded collectors and even make some new toy soldier friends. Send me an email, type “Carpool” in the […]

No Comments »Filed under: BlogPosted on July 26th, 2008

American Dimestore Basics, Manoil Hollow-Base Figures

No other American Dimestore figures have raised as much speculation over their evolution as a small group of early production Manoils known to collectors as “Hollow-Base.” Figure in the center of my photo is a regular two hole base Manoil. It’s flanked by two hollow-base figures. I theorize that since hollow-base castings were, and still […]

No Comments »Filed under: American Dimestore Soldiers, BlogPosted on July 26th, 2008

Britains Set No. 163, Boy Scout Signallers

Boy Scout Signallers, Post war 1954 – 1959, set number 163, contained five Boy Scout figures with rotating arms holding semaphore signal flags that could rotate in a full circle to form any semaphore signal. The Scouts in Post war sets wear olive-drab shirts and shorts, with brown belts, black knee socks, olive-drab Boy Scout […]