Our next show is on for Sunday, November 3, 2013. Please note that we will no longer be posting on this web site, using this domain name. Please visit our new site: www.eastcoasttoysoldiershow.com, by clicking the following highlighted text EAST COAST TOY SOLDIER SHOW.
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American Dimestore Soldiers,
Britains & Other Old British Hollow-Cast Figures,
Composition Toy Soldiers,
Diecast Military Vehicles, Aircraft and Armor,
G.I. Joes & 12" Action Figures,
Marx Plastic & Playsets,
Military Miniatures,
New Metal Toy Soldiers,
New Plastic Toy Soldiers,
Paper Soldiers,
Site Updates,
Solid Figures, Heyde, Mignot, etc,
Toy Soldier Articles & Information,
Toy Soldier Shows & Events,
Toy Soldiers at Auction,
Toy Soldiers in the News,
WargamingPosted on November 22nd, 2011
On Friday, October 21, I had the great honor to give a presentation on Toy Soldiers to Cub Scout Pack 2, Cedar Grove, NJ. Forty-five Cub Scouts, and their parents were in attendance. The presentation consisted of two eight-foot tables, with toy soldiers on display from all era’s, including American Dimestores, Britains, G.I. Joes and […]
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American Dimestore Soldiers,
Britains & Other Old British Hollow-Cast Figures,
Composition Toy Soldiers,
G.I. Joes & 12" Action Figures,
Marx Plastic & Playsets,
Military Miniatures,
New Metal Toy Soldiers,
New Plastic Toy Soldiers,
Paper Soldiers,
Solid Figures, Heyde, Mignot, etc,
Toy Soldier Articles & Information,
Toy Soldier Shows & Events,
Toy Soldiers in the NewsPosted on October 24th, 2011
Tootsietoy’s diecast miniature toy version of the Renault tank first appeared in Tootsietoy’s 1931 catalog and was numbered #4647. It was described as being a: “Reproduction in miniature of the latest Caterpillar Tank from specifications furnished by the U.S. Govt. War Dept.” The Renault T-17 tank was developed during the later years of the first […]