2013 East Coast Toy Soldier Show Date, Sunday November 3, 2013

Our next show is on for Sunday, November 3, 2013. Please note that we will no longer be posting on this web site, using this domain name. Please visit our new site: www.eastcoasttoysoldiershow.com, by clicking the following highlighted text EAST COAST TOY SOLDIER SHOW.

Scouting and Toy Soldiers A Great Combination!

On Friday, October 21, I had the great honor to give a presentation on Toy Soldiers to Cub Scout Pack 2, Cedar Grove, NJ. Forty-five Cub Scouts, and their parents were in attendance. The presentation consisted of two eight-foot tables, with toy soldiers on display from all era’s, including American Dimestores, Britains, G.I. Joes and […]

New Toy Soldier to be Modeled After Prince Harry‎

Through out the years, famous people and personalities have always been used as models for toy soldiers. And now toy and train model company Hornby is using Prince Harry of England as a model for a toy soldier that will go on sale next year. The company is using a famous image of the prince […]

Welcome To The World Of Comic Book Toy Soldiers

If you are like me and remember the colorful comic book advertisements for Toy Soldier Sets that ran on the back pages of most typical comic books back in the 1950s through the 1980s then you’ll enjoy visiting WELCOME TO THE WORLD Of COMIC BOOK TOY SOLDIERS. It’s a great site with cool links and […]

No Comments »Filed under: Blog, New Plastic Toy SoldiersPosted on September 4th, 2008

Mannie Gentile’s Toy Soldiers Forever Blog

Posting on the 1st and 15th of each month, Mannie Gentile’s Toy Soldiers Forever Blog features photos, reviews, discussions, conversions, and play about 54mm Toy Soldiers of the American Civil War. Mannie’s most recent topic is a feature about blue plastic toy soldiers. Now, how cool is that? Visit Mannie’s blog…

1 Comment »Filed under: New Plastic Toy SoldiersPosted on August 15th, 2008