2013 East Coast Toy Soldier Show Date, Sunday November 3, 2013

Our next show is on for Sunday, November 3, 2013. Please note that we will no longer be posting on this web site, using this domain name. Please visit our new site: www.eastcoasttoysoldiershow.com, by clicking the following highlighted text EAST COAST TOY SOLDIER SHOW.

Scouting and Toy Soldiers A Great Combination!

On Friday, October 21, I had the great honor to give a presentation on Toy Soldiers to Cub Scout Pack 2, Cedar Grove, NJ. Forty-five Cub Scouts, and their parents were in attendance. The presentation consisted of two eight-foot tables, with toy soldiers on display from all era’s, including American Dimestores, Britains, G.I. Joes and […]

Britains Limited 1935 Stock Certificate

A genuine Britains Limited stock certificate, issued 1935. This rarity would make a great conversation piece in any Britains collection. Its display possibilities are limited only to ones imagination. Yet, an original Britains stock certificate is much more than a striking conversation piece. It’s an historical document issued long ago by the premier toy soldier […]

Tootsietoy Renault Tank

Tootsietoy’s diecast miniature toy version of the Renault tank first appeared in Tootsietoy’s 1931 catalog and was numbered #4647. It was described as being a: “Reproduction in miniature of the latest Caterpillar Tank from specifications furnished by the U.S. Govt. War Dept.” The Renault T-17 tank was developed during the later years of the first […]

Toy Soldiers Can Capture Big Rewards

It’s rare, in our electronic age, when a feature article about traditional old toy soldiers appears in print or online, so when we read the recent article, “Toy Soldiers Can Capture Big Rewards,” by Toby Waine, as it appears in The Daily Mail’s, Mail Online we wanted to share it with our readers. Click this […]

March of the Toy Soldiers

When ever I’m interviewed by the media one standard question they never fail to ask is: “Why do adult men collect toy soldiers?”, and my standard reply is: “Because they (toy soldiers) act like a bridge to our past; a bridge to our childhood.” I guess that’s a pretty accurate answer because so many men […]

Britains Set No. 163, Boy Scout Signallers

Boy Scout Signallers, Post war 1954 – 1959, set number 163, contained five Boy Scout figures with rotating arms holding semaphore signal flags that could rotate in a full circle to form any semaphore signal. The Scouts in Post war sets wear olive-drab shirts and shorts, with brown belts, black knee socks, olive-drab Boy Scout […]

A New Birth For Britains Old Set #73

A New Birth For Britains Set #73 By Art and Addie Ward At an auction of Britains and other toy soldiers some years back we saw something we had never seen before: a gigantic empty red wooden box with a beautiful black and gold Wm. Britains’ label proclaiming the toys within to be Set 73! […]

Britains’ Forever!

Standing on each castle wall, Beaten battered, Britains all, Faces chipped but standing tall, Wait to hear their ancient call, “Come again with us to play. Together we will win the day.” A proud confession by Art Ward, Venerable Britains’ collector since 1935!